Does Warren Buffett Buy Penny Stocks?
Does Warren Buffett Buy Penny Stocks? One question that has arisen surrounding the penny stock market has been if Warren Buffett buys penny stocks. If you read and understand the elaborate, widely publicized investing strategy of Warren Buffett you'll see that he doesn't specifically target the penny stock arena. He is outspoken regarding his investing rules and focuses his investing on healthy financials, but he also likes value prices on stock so let's explorer this a little more in depth. World's Greatest Investor There is no question Warren holds the title of "world's greatest investor". How did he get there anyway? Warren prides himself on finding wonderful companies at fair prices and not fair companies at wonderful prices. This concept has been successful to say the least. Penny stocks typically trade at wonderful prices. The scholars like to call them growth stocks or micro-caps. The growth stock moniker is usually attached to companies looki...