
Showing posts from September, 2022

Where Does the Middle Class Find Affordable Dental Care?

Middle Class Dental Where does the middle class find affordable dental care? It seems the system always favors either low income residents and those who are financially comfortable or just plain wealthy. Far too many people have to pick and choose their dental care because of their financial situation. What we see is dental care programs for low income households, these are common and necessary. And as for those who are well off, well we know how that goes... Either they have full coverage dental insurance or they have the cash in hand to cover any dental expenses at will. So where does the middle class fare in all of this? Middle class income statistics in the United States are always changing. In 2021/2022, the definition of the term "middle class" or "middle income" is a single American who earns approximately $30,000 to $90,000 per year. These specific numbers are open to discussion but, in general, this annual income range is fairly accurate. Exce...